
Making arrowheads

In the Middle Ages, iron work took a major place in daily life and encouraged the development of our civilization after the Bronze Age. Metal is becoming ubiquitous, both in everyday life and in military art. For civilians, these are more solid tools and structures (rimmed wheels, nails, knives, locks, plowshares, axes, chains, etc.).

For the military, stronger weapons, more resistant protections (full plate armor, caparons, etc.) and new weapons (cannons, powder bolts, etc.) are emerging. The medieval blacksmith is one of the central figures of feudal society and is indispensable in every town or village.

Some pictures

At the time, it took elbow grease to bring the metal to red
The piece of metal is hot enough to be worked: it must be removed from the fireplace for fear of seeing it melt at more than 1300 ° C.
Welding of a chain link on the tip of the bigorne
The large double-action bellows allows us to have a constant air supply to bring the fireplace to the right working temperature (600 to 900 ° C)
The blacksmith at work: the forge and tools must be at hand to beat the iron while it is hot
Anvil and hammer, essential tools for the forge
Different pliers needed to hold very hot metal

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